Our Holly Springs Run Club & Weekly Meet-ups

Pace Yourself manages multiple Holly Springs Run Club Meetups for various local businesses including Black Dog Bottle Shop, Bombshell Brewing Company, and of course from our own store.


black dog run club

Location: Black Dog Bottle Shop
Time: 6:30pm
Distance: 3 – 5 mile routes


Location: Pace Yourself Run Company
Time: 6:30pm
Distance: 1, 3, 4, & 5 mile routes

Wednesday Walk Club

Location: Local Time Brewing
Time: 6:30pm
Distance: 1 & 3 mile routes
Pace: geared towards walking


Location: Bombshell Beer Company
Time: 6:30pm
Distance: 3 & 4 mile routes

Trail Club

Pace Yourself Trail Club
The Trail Club is open to all and meets once a month at special off-site locations for some good single-track trail miles. Each run has a range of distances and is open to all levels. Events and details are posted each month on Pace Yourself Run Clubs Facebook group page.  After attending 5 runs, we’re happy to reward you with a special Pace Yourself Trail Club swag.


Location: Pace Yourself Run Company
The Saturday run from the store doesn’t have an official start time as groups meet up at various times that best fit their schedule. However, runners can still earn a Pace Yourself reward credit by scanning the QR code posted in the window anytime on Saturday mornings as they start, finish or swing by the store during their run.

The Run/Walk/Trail Club

PYRC race reachDON’T FORGET to come RUN/WALK with us every evening during the week Monday – Thursday.

Sign up to get a free shirt after your first 10 runs on Tuesdays! PYRC Coordinator leads us out at 6:30pm. ALL PACES WELCOME! (We MEAN it!)

We’ve also organized a Wednesday Walk Club each week at 6:30pm. During the winter season, please join us at Local Time Brewing. Be sure to sign in using the app, as these attendance check-ins will be tallied together for your PYRC runner rewards.

Thanks to our friends at Race Reach for some cool software to track participation at our runs, so we can brag about your milestones, and send some free stuff and offers your way from time to time! Go to Race Reach, in advance, to CREATE your own account (It’s FREE). Then, check-in Tuesday and at any run we sponsor!  See you soon!https://mobile.racereach.com/pyrc

For more details on our Run/Walk/Trail club events, stay tuned to our Pace Yourself Run Clubs Facebook group page.

The Original Holly Springs Run Club

While Pace Yourself Run Company manages multiple run meetups throughout the week through the “Pace Yourself Run Clubs” Facebook group, it was certainly not the first Holly Springs Run Club. The original “Holly Springs Run Club” (aka HSRC), was around before PYRC came to town. In fact, Pace Your Run Company was started by a group of friends who met sharing miles, smiles, and maybe a few beers, through the Holly Springs Run Club.

The first Holly Springs Run Club run took place on June 14th, 2014 with a simple post on a new Holly Springs Run Club Facebook page by local runner Mark Campbell, which sparked a few runners to meet up in a local grocery store parking lot to start their Saturday morning run together. What started as one Saturday morning a month, soon was two, then every Saturday. Along the way, a weekly Thursday evening run started at the local Bombshell Beer Company taproom, and a weekly “Pole-to-Pole” 5-mile run started on Wednesday Mornings. As the Holly Springs Run Club Facebook page grew (eventually to over 2800 members), more group meetups popped up almost every day of the week – the “Slow Poke Club”, “Daytime Run Club”, “Hills for Breakfast”, “Sunday Funday”, “Pizza Run”, “Tapline Run Club”, and others. 

It was the Holly Springs Run Club that started it all, bringing the runners of Holly Springs together. Many friendships and connections endure from the original Holly Springs Run Club, which started that one random Saturday Morning.